Is it too early to mention the 'C' Word? 😝
Yes we have the #dreamjob but everyone needs a break, especially at Christmas to spend with #friends and #family.
And so we are trying to give you as much notice as we can of when we will be closed for the Christmas and New Year break:
Our last day in the paddock...
❤️ 21st December 2022
We will be back in the paddock...
❤️ 4th January 2023
Your Playdate Plan
If you have a #playdate plan don't worry, these will be paused so payments are not taken for the time we are off.
And of course if you usually send your pooch on a Thursday or Friday feel free to book a playdate earlier in the week commencing 19th December. Or for Monday/Tuesday pooches week commencing 2nd January, they are more than welcome later in the week 🐶❤️
As always, any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch 🙏